Serijal američkih pisaca u Splitu

Ove srijede, 8. studenog, u 20 sati, Serijal američkih pisaca u Splitu održava svoje prvo događanje s pjesnikom Derrickom Austinom , a vodi ga američka Fulbrightova stipendistica Evie Atom Atkinson.

Događaj će se održati u LGBT Centru Split na Ulica Kralja Tomislava 8A. Slijedi kratki domjenak.

Putujući u inozemstvo kao ovogodišnji stipendist Amy Lowell, Austin je autor zbirki poezije Tenderness (BOA Editions, 2021.) i Trouble the Water (BOA Editions, 2016.), koja je nagrađena kao finalist Kate Tufts Discovery Award, Thom Gunn Nagrada za gay poeziju, književna nagrada Lambda za gay poeziju i nagrada za prvu knjigu Norma Faber. Tenderness je bio finalist za nagradu Golden Poppy, književnu nagradu Lambda za gay poeziju i nagradu Northern California Book.

Atkinsonovu potporu za 2023.-2024. također podupiru Sveučilište u Splitu i kolektiv queerANarchive.

This Wednesday, the 8th of November, at 8pm, the American Writers Series in Split holds its first event with poet Derrick Austin, hosted by U.S. Fulbright Scholar Evie Atom Atkinson.

The event will be held at the LGBT Centar Split at Ulica Kralja Tomislava 8A. A brief reception will follow.

Traveling internationally as this year’s Amy Lowell fellow, Austin is the author of the poetry collections Tenderness (BOA Editions, 2021) and Trouble the Water (BOA Editions, 2016), which was honored as a finalist for the Kate Tufts Discovery Award, Thom Gunn Award for Gay Poetry, Lambda Literary Award for Gay Poetry, and the Norma Faber First Book Award. Tenderness was a finalist for a Golden Poppy Award, Lambda Literary Award for Gay Poetry, and a Northern California Book Award.

Atkinson’s 2023-2024 grant is also supported by the University of Split and queerANarchive.

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